Kiertotalousleiri 16–17.9.2023 (2op)

Syyskuussa Turussa järjestetään supermielenkiintoinen kiertotalousleiri 16–17.9.2023 , josta saa 2 opintopistettä. Voittajajoukkue pääsee ilmaiseksi Japaniin 14.-22.10.
Hae mukaan motivaatiokirjeellä 21.8.2023 mennessä. Kick-off tilaisuus Turku AMK:n tiloissa 4.9.2023. Leirin kieli on englanti ja sen järjestää Turun kaupunki. Leiri on osanottajille ilmainen.
Lisätietoja Piia Nurmi, Kiertotalous 2.0 -oppimisympäristö, joka on yhteistyökumppanina leirin järjestelyissä
Create a circular economy solution and win a trip to Japan!
What? Circular Economy Innovation Camp (2 credits)
Innovate circular economy solutions to the challenges presented by the city of Turku and local companies. Work is done in groups of three students. The innovation camp is a great opportunity to develop practical skills around circular economy and to network with students and companies both locally and internationally. No specialized knowledge on circular economy is needed, just an open mind, eagerness to learn and willingness to bring new perspectives and ideas to the table. The winning group gets to travel to Japan, the cities of Nagano, Obuse Town, and Suginami Ward in Tokyo, hosted by the cities, local universities, and ICLEI Japan.
COURSE TIME: 4.9.–17.9.2023
Registration: by 21.8.2023 (motivation letter)
Acceptance: by 25.8.2023 (based on motivation letter)
Kickoff event: 4.9
24-hour innovation camp: 16–17.9
Trip to Japan for winner group: 14–22.10
To whom? Higher education students studying in University of Turku, Åbo Akademi and Turku University of Applied Sciences. Programs of East Asian Studies, Futures Studies, Sustainability Studies, Urban Studies, Circular Economy Studies have agreed to give credits. Obtaining credits from other departments should be negotiated separately. It is possible to apply alone or as part of a ready-made team. Language of the course is English.
How to apply? Tell us why you would like to participate and send a motivation letter (max. 1 page) to by 21.8.2023. Headline “Circular Economy Innovation Camp”, answer the following questions:
- Why do you want to participate in the course?
- What is your relationship to circular economy?
- Do you commit to the course days, active group work, and are you prepared to travel to Japan?
- Remember to include your contact information and information about your study background, years of study and possible academic degree. In the selection priority is given to students who are more advanced in their studies.
- Please mention if you want to apply as a team.
Why? City of Turku aims to be carbon neutral by 2029 and circular economy is at the core of the city’s climate work. Circular Economy Innovation Camp is based on previous co-operation between the City of Turku and Japanese cities.
The course target is to strengthen circular economy thinking and innovations among students in an international setting between Finland and Japan. The course is organized by the City of Turku together with local universities and companies. The course is funded by the Japanese Sasakawa foundation and is realized in collaboration with ICLEI Japan.
Carbon emissions of the flights to Japan will be compensated.