We develop
The project learning environment works in close cooperation with our research group. We have many different projects in which we develop circular economy in Southwest Finland, in Finland and also globally. Get to know our projects!
Ongoing projects

S4M Sustainable Material Management Maturity Model
The S4M research project emerges as a pivotal initiative aimed at comprehensively understanding the capacity of the supplier network operating within this ecosystem to align with sustainable development goals.

Place-based circular society innovations
The project explores circular economy projects, in the Manchester area and beyond, where social justice and well-being are at the heart of the issue – circular economy social innovations.

Car dismantling - material recovery, reuse and recyclability of new products
Through the two selected materials, glass and plastic, the aim of the project is to investigate the dismantling phase of the car and the current state of utilisation of recycled material.

Circular Tiedepuisto area in Turku as a living lab for solutions promoting Circular Economy
The Circular Tiedepuisto project supports the implementation of measures outlined in the Turku Tiedepuisto’s circular economy roadmap.

RDI-path for SMEs in South West Finland
The result of the project is ideas, quick experiments, new services/products, networks and the RDI-path model, which are left for companies, universities of applied sciences and business operators to utilise after the project.

BECOME - Boosting Circular Economy Expertise through Learning Communities
The objective of the project is to foster the green skills of future experts in the circular economy.

The Baltic2Hand project aims to improve textile reuse and reduce textile waste by improving the business models of second-hand companies.

Next Level
The project aims to increase Southwest Finland’s small and medium sized companies’ (SMEs) competence on circular economy and carbon emissions as well as managements flexibility towards changes while effectively improving business.
Finished projects
MaMaCo – Material Management in Shipbuilding Ecosystem Co-Creation
MaMaCo Co-creation project aimed to build Co-Innovation research project proposal for ship yard material management.
BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE was looking for sustainable solutions for bio-based products on land at sea.
The vision of Telavalue is to solve sustainability and waste problems related to current textile system through circular economy.
CIRCWASTE promoted efficient use of material flows, waste prevention and new waste and resource management concepts. All actions contributed to implementing the national waste management plan and directing Finland towards a circular economy.
CICAT2025 aimed to facilitate the transition from linear to circular economy. The project supported Finland’s strategic objective to become a global leader in circular economy by 2025.
Green Metrics for Public Digitalization Acquisitions (MitViDi) project aims to develope a tool and an assessment framework for public ICT procurements. This tool and framework allow the procurers to assess offered ICT system’s (including programs and hardware components) environmental impacts throughout their life cycle.
Circular economy park Lounapuisto
The aim was to create a circular economy ecosystem and develop an already existing eco-power plant and its surroundings, an area called Lounapuisto, located in Salo.
Kiertotalous-AMK – Circular economy services in Finnish universities of applied sciences
The project created a national operating model that increases the circular economy together with the Finnish university of applied sciences network.
The REDUCES project studied whether circular economy business activities are automatically sustainable. The objective was to collect the best practices and use them to identify opportunities for better supporting and promoting sustainable circular economy business in the different regions.
Knowledge base for consumers in circular economy
Knowledge base for consumers in circular economy project created a digital knowledge base where companies share their expertise to extend the life cycle of consumer products.
Merikartta is an evolving circular economy ecosystem and constantly expanding network.
CarbonWise promoted the carbon wisdom of Kupittaa campus area.
PaaS Pilots – Product as a Service pilots
The project PaaS Pilots – Product as a Service pilots aimed to find out the features that make product as a service model attractive to customer and challenges concerning the implementation of such features.
Climate University created multidisciplinary digital learning in sustainability challenges.
Telaketju 2 project aimed for building business from circular economy of textiles.
Circular Economy Competence to Universities of Applied Sciences
The project improved the quality and openness of multidisciplinary education at universities of applied sciences by promoting circular economy competence and collaboration with emphasis on international activities.
CircHubs (6Aika: The Circular Economy Centres of the Future) developed business evolving from circular economy. With national cooperation we developed circular economy centers in different locations.
Paths towards Summer Job 2030 improved the working life competences of young people. The objective was to promote connection to working life already during the end of basic education.
Looking for a Peer supported immigrants for the phase after education. In this project we organized networking events and four intensive courses.
DaaS – Open Data as a Service project created new business possibilities for the leading themes of open data: circular economy, intelligent transportation system and digital renewal.
In the #circulareconomy project (#kiertotalous), learning materials for teaching circular economy in Finnish and international educational institutes was created.
In TRY OUT! project we built an innovation platform for experimental culture and collaborative developing.
Telaketju is a cooperation network that forwards textile recycling. The project included developing the collection, sorting out and refining processes of end-of-life textiles.