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14 results by search term ""

Our REHA experience: project-life can lead to unexpected situations!

Our project team consists of three French exchange students, Maïlys Pessegue, Mathilde Jannet and Justine Michelon, and one Finnish student, Ona Vassallo. Later we got a Korean exchange student,......

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My REHA experience: Case study related to circular economy in construction and public procurement

Hi I’m Adja, from France, and I am studying risk prevention in the field of Environment and Safety. At the moment I’m as an exchange student in Turku for a semester. Originally I’m from West of......

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Research hatchery experiences

Creating something new, out of nothing – That was my first thought when I heard the term “research hatchery”. My team was very international, consisting of one Chinese, one Polish, one Nepalese,......

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CarbonWise helps companies fight climate change

Companies have woken up to climate change and to the necessary actions they need to take to slow it down. The raising environmental awareness of clients and consumers affects their buying decisions.......

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An intern's experience in TUAS

Even though it has been a month since I started working, I still feel excited about finding an internship in Turku UAS.  There is always that delight to be going somewhere new; especially after a......

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We are looking for mentors!

In collaboration, MESH-project and Miessakit Association organize the mentoring program this autumn.Applying: for mentor: volunteering people, who have strong experience in Finnish working life and......

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University student in Circular economy 2.0

Circular economy 2.0 is not only for TUAS students. Students from other universities are also warmly welcome! Read Eerika's experiences of Circular economy 2.0.I worked as an intern in Telaketju......

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Science park and Linnanniemi as examples of the circular economy

In this fall’s Circular economy in practice course, the students’ task was a group work, which client was City of Turku. Task’s main goal was to ponder to either Science Park or Linnanniemi area......

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Circular Economy Innovation Camp

Intensive camp brought out the best of us: Reflections on the Circular Economy Innovation CampWe embarked on an intensive one-weekend course on the Circular Economy, preceded by two weeks of......

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Circular business models research group turned 10 years old - Circular economy 2.0 is now the Circular economy lab

The 10th anniversary of the Circular business models research group was celebrated on Friday, January 26, 2024, in the coffee room on the fourth floor of EduCity. There were fifty friends of the......

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