Courses and studies
You can study different courses and gain credits, knowhow and business contacts.
We offer the following modules – some are unfortunately not available in English:
Every autumn, Circular economy 15 ECT
- KI00BR05 Circular economy
- KI00BR06 Kiertotalouden menetelmät
- KI00BR07 Kiertotalouden liiketoiminta käytännössä
Every spring Climate change 15 ECTS
- TE00BT85 basics
- TE00BT84 Climate change guest lecture series
- TE00BR31
Every autumn Waste Management and Life Cycle Assessmentt 15 ECTS
- 5100BI77 Waste management in practice
- 5100BI79 Global waste management
- LC00BS48 Elinkaariarviointi / Life-cycle assessment
Anytime: Project studies on Circular economy
- TE00CK10-3001 Project studies on Circular economy 5-10 ects
Every now and then a research hatchery
- TE00BQ93 Research Hatcheries on Circular Economy, 2-10 ECT
Master school study programmes
- from autumn 2023 onwards we will also offer a Master level education on Sustainable Circular Economy In Finnish
- also you can apply to Tradenomi YAMK and Insinööri YAMK studies in the research group (in Finnish)
A previous course: Circular Economy, Turku Summer School summer 2022, 5 ECT
- more information about the course here
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